April - 2017 (Newsletter)

Easter holidays
There will be no closure during Easter break, including bank holidays. Our training will be as normal. after Easter break there will be training on Thursdays and Sundays for 4 weeks to help members to catch up with the sessions they have missed during the closure in March. You will be notified of the start date and time.

East Barnet Festival - Oak Hill Park
As you have been informed during the training session, we have been invited to perform at East Barnet Festival - Oak Hill Park on Sunday 1st July, We will prepare a team for this event, team selection will happen during training sessions and we expect selected members to be supportive and willing to attend this event.
New T-Shirts are now available to order, Please place your order during the training sessions, Deadline for all orders Friday 14th April.
Trip to China
Our next trip to China is planned for September 2017, Unlike previous trips that only included visiting Shaolin Temple and training, this trip includes visiting Beijing 4 Days, Xi'an 1 Day and Shaolin Temple 7 days. Dates TBC. Please let us know if you are interested on this trip ASAP so the necessary arrangements can be made with the tour guides and Martiasl arts masters in China.